Progress Counseling and Consulting
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Services and Cost


We help people when they feel over their heads and need direction or help finding a compass. There is certainly more than one approach to providing helpful therapy, but in the end it is to accomplish the client’s self-identified, helpful outcome.

Consulting and Education

Services for businesses and their employees can be created to help understand one another and become more of a team. These could include helping employees understand how they go through difficulties individually and as a team, education on various topics to understand personal experiences, interaction styles, cultural competency and how to interact with others effectively to improve teamwork and quality of the work environment.


Progress Counseling and Consulting is located in Atlanta, GA, and provides virtual services only at this time. We have active licenses and can provide services if you are physically in one of the following states:

  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Washington (state)


Payments are due in full when services are rendered if using self-pay or providing a co-pay for your insurance.

Insurance Coverage

  • I am in-network for the following commercial insurances: Anthem and other Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, United Healthcare, Oscar Health, Oxford and Cigna. Your cost is determined by your coverage. (Despite hopes, I am not able to bill some commercial managers for Medicare Part B payment. Please contact me to discuss, though.)
  • For other insurers you will have the opportunity to download a “Superbill” to submit for reimbursement by your insurance company.
  • Ask about a method to use out-of-network benefits to help reduce the cost of therapy at the self-pay rate if we don’t accept your insurance.


  • Self-pay is charged at a rate of $150 for the initial session and $135 for each session thereafter. Prepayment in self-pay can be done at a discounted rate for six or more regular sessions. If we don’t need to use all of those sessions your balance will be refunded less the number of sessions charged at the regular rate.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

Progress Counseling and Consulting LLC is an EAP provider for a couple of different EAP benefits administrators. Ask how you can take advantage of your workplace benefits, get free counseling to start and continue in therapy when that runs out. EAP services are paid for 100% by your workplace when appointments are kept. (No-show policy still applies, though).

No Surprises Act and Good Faith Estimates

  • Progress Counseling and Consulting stands firmly behind the principles of the No Surprises Act enacted in December of 2020 and implemented on January 1, 2022. You will receive a good faith estimate (GFE) as part of your new-patient documents whether you are covered by insurance or self-paying. We will review those costs together. Despite this, mistakes can be made, but we will do our best to resolve any that occur.


  • Cancellations need to be received no later than 5 p.m. the day before your appointment to avoid a $75 no-show or late cancellation fee. This is excepted in the face of true emergency, of course. I’m not a monster.
  • Adjustments can be made without problem if we communicate effectively based on availability.