February 29, 2004


COLUMBIA, S.C. – I had a whim.

One of Saturday Night Live’s spoofed shows is Inside The Actor’s Studio hosted by James Lipton. My favorite is when Will Farrell’s fake beard started to peal off during the skit and they could barely keep it together. Oh, too freakin’ funny.


Lipton is consistent in his interviews in that, after the bulk of the thing is over, and just before he sicks the students on the actor sitting in “That Chair,” he asks a standard questionnaire.

Here are my answers.

What’s your favorite word?
- Hello.

What’s your least favorite word?
- Goodbye.

What turns you on?
- The successes of my family and closest friends.

What turns you off?
- Disrespect and broken trust.

What’s your favorite sound or noise?
- The roar of jet engines from the airplane I’m on.

What’s your least favorite sound or noise?
- Crying of mourning.

What’s your favorite curse word?
- Unfuckingbelievable.

What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt?
- Special Forces operator.

What profession would you not like to attempt?
- Stock or securities broker.

If it exists, what would you like to hear when you arrive at the pearly gates of Heaven?
- Ya done good, boy. Now go back and get those last few things right.

- Rich

frustration n (frus tray shun) - 1. the state of being frustrated, 2. a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs


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